Thursday, January 21, 2016

Third Quarter Final

During this quarter in my contemporary media class, I had the opportunity to learn Adobe Illustrator. We used what we learned to create a holiday greeting card. The greeting card had requirements and some of them are a snowman, a snowy background, a sun, and Happy Holidays. 

The process I took to complete this project began with an outline of everything. I started with the outline of the body and head. Then I created an outline of the arms and the facial features. After creating these I created a hat and the background. after the outlines were done I had to add in different elements to create shadows, snow, the sun, ground, and extra details for the arms and face. 

In conclusion I had a lot of fun on this project. I had fun because this was surprisingly easy for me due to the fact that I have done something visually similar. This project has taught me that in Illustrator there are many tools that must be used to create such a simple project. In the future I wish to do more in Illustrator along my career that will help my skills and understanding of computer graphics. 

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