Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Adobe Illustrator Progress


Getting Started (GS): What is Illustrator CS5?

This video is about how Illustrator is used, who uses it and how it is a vector based program.


GS-01: Using rulers and guides 

This video is about how to use rulers and guides and in what ways you would use them.


GS-02: Using the basic selection tools 

This video is about how to use the basic tools of Illustration. 


GS-03: Selecting artwork beneath other objects 

This video is about how to reselect a piece of art behind other objects. 


GS-04: Creating files for print 

This video is about how to prep a file for printing. 


GS-05: The importance of modifier keys

This video is about how and why modifier keys are important to an artist in this program. 

GS-06: Using the Blob Brush and Eraser 

This video is about how to use the blob brush and eraser tools. 


Using the new Art-boards panel 

This video is about how to use multiple art-boards in Illustrator CS5. 


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